Hello, I am Diego Lopez a Physicist, and programmer currently working in Aichi, Japan. Welcome to my web portfolio to display some of my projects and anything else I want to show the world.
What it started as a hobby back in undergrad school (~2003) became my current occupation, where I make RPA tools (in Python, Powershell and VBA) and also prepare models for CAE simulation, using LS-Dyna.
Before joining the current gig, I was making a combinatorial optimization model in Python, thus solving a logistics problem for a well-known company.

I am interested in Solar Physics and High-Energy Cosmic-Rays. On next update I will upload some of the tools I used and use to perform statistical analyses and some small simulations to understand the acceleration mechanism of particles when a flare occurs. At the research page it is possible to observe some of the monitoring tools: number of sunspots and soft-X-rays.

Are you hiring? please check out my CV

What I am doing now

Updated August 2023

The project I got back in March will be finally released. It took 6 months basically. Mainly due to lack of information not being available on the internet. Unfortunately only available by contacting via email to the vendor who apparently does support of the software as well. I do NOT trust on support people 'cuz they dont help at all. It is definitely a waste of time. In any way, I found a way to solve the problem and I can finally see the light at the of this long tunnel.
In other news, I am still hitting the same rock all over again. This rock known as running a binary (exe) file in Windows. The issue is that the binary runs from the user's temp directory located in c:\Users\upYours\LocalData\Temp\, thus if paths are set inside source code, they run from such location. I had so many issues using PathLib. Something I will probably write about on the blog.

One fine day